Realize an instant sale Collectibles predictably gain in value, with the understanding that they have an inherent value. This means the NFT that represents the physical object has an inherent value, added on to by the creation and management of the NFT. With an NFT, the owner can realize an instantaneous buy or sell, something that cannot be duplicated in the physical world. The same item can be repeatedly bought and sold on the same day, something that a physical object cannot duplicate.
Please note that the storage and insurance will be covered for a six month period from each purchase of the NFT, provided that the sale amount covers the value (in the case it does not InTrove will reach out to the new owner and inform them of the value they will be required to pay). After the six month period, InTrove will provide an estimate on charges should the client wish to still keep the physical object in storage.
In the case that the collectible is requested, the customer will redeem their NFT to InTrove , and InTrove will provide an estimate on the cost to ship and insure the item to the customer. Should the client then wish to sell the NFT later on, they can send the physical collectible back, and the NFT ownership will be returned to them.